Sunday, December 25, 2011

can't pretend for life time..!!

లేని values పూసుకుని ఎందుకు వూరికే pretend చెయ్యడం...just for the sake of society ..!!!
and its tough to pretend for life time..!!

మనకేమీ life time achievement award లాగ time pretender award ఏమీ 
ఇవ్వరు కదా..!!

" As long as it doesn't hurt anybody or 
make others to is absolutely fine having no values..!! "

and when we are talking about values ...the values comes only after the fulfillment of the basic needs like food,shelter and clothing...!!

మద్య ఈ list లో girl friend/boy friend ని కూడా include చేశారేమో ..అస్సలు ఖాళీగా ఉండట్లేదు..జనాలు..:P
(one more thing..ఇది వరకు అమ్మాయిలు అస్సలు accessible గా ఉండేవాళ్ళు కాదు..ఇప్పుడు ok గాని will be more fun to see lot more women bloggers..coz we get to see lot more variety of content through women perspective..:P!!!)

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